• Blog Tours/Events,  Featured Post

    Book Eevents: BookCon 2019

    Hey everyone, Yes, I was away in New York attending Bookcon last week. And now that the jetlag is finally falling away a bit, I thought it was time to talk a little bit about my experiences. I know there’s going to be a lot of posts floating around at the moment about the event, so I’m hoping you’ll stick with me just a little bit longer to find out what I did while I was there as I feel like my experiences of the convention will be a little bit different (also, it was my first time, so you’re getting the newbie experience here). I don’t have a whole…

  • Blog Tours/Events,  Let's Talk About...

    Friday Article: Preparing For BookCon

    Hi everyone, So I’ve actually scheduled this post. At the exact time this is going up, I shall be on a flight to New York City to attend BookCon. I’m super grateful to my awesome university for funding this opportunity for me (and still rather in awe that this actually counts as a legitimate research trip in my field). Since it’ll be my first time attending BookCon and it’s going to be my first time in New York, I thought it would be good to make a big post about the whole thing, like all of my organisation and stuff. In case you didn’t know, I am pretty big on…