• Writing Advice

    On Writing: World Building

    Hey everyone, how is it going? So I recently mentioned that I might do some posts about writing and I got a very positive response, so first of all thank you for that, and secondly I guess this means you’re about to see several of these posts on my blog. Don’t worry, book blog readers, I promise I won’t be changing the theme of this blog– I’ll just be talking about writing alongside my book reviews and articles. In the coming days, I’ll also be hopefully posting up videos for youtube which cover the same topics, so if you’d prefer to listen to me bumble about writing instead, then you…

  • Announcements,  Writing Advice

    Posts About Writing?

    Okay guys, so this is more of a question/poll than an actual post. I’ve recently gotten back into writing and querying, as well as doing some buddy writing and other things. A while ago, I uploaded some writing advice posts. At the time I felt like I had said about all I was comfortable saying about writing, especially given that I’m not an expert and I don’t work in the industry. Part of this reservation also stemmed from the fact that, when I started my blog, I was done drafting and editing The Heir of Ink and Magic and had already been through a few rounds of querying. However, I’m now embarking…

  • Writing Advice

    Writing Advice: Pitching to Agents in Person

    Hello, everyone and welcome to a special writing advice post today. I recently got back from YALC, where there was an agent arena that allowed people to pitch to agents, and it got me thinking that now would be a good time to post about the mechanics of that, and how to improve your book’s chances of getting noticed. What is pitching? It’s where you either meet an agent face to face or you do a social media event where you get to discuss your book for a limited amount of time. Face to face pitching is very like a job interview [but with less questions from the interviewer]. The…

  • Writing Advice

    Wednesday Writing: Kill Your Darlings

    So last Saturday I went to a fortnightly coffeeshop critique session with the university creative writing society. It’s always a great time, ideas flying around, caffeine being inhaled, cakes everywhere, and after a while discussion turned to the idea of killing your darlings [or, as someone rather alarmingly put it ‘smothering your babies’]. If you haven’t heard the term before, it means editing or cutting a piece of your writing that you love, in order to improve the overall piece. It can include wonderful lines of description, certain scenes you love which don’t match with the pacing or people think are irrelevant, or sometimes even whole characters. It’s a thing…

  • Writing Advice

    Wednesday Writing: How to Give Good Feedback

    Hey everyone, I’ve been meaning to start doing a weekly post about creative writing. I know a lot of people who read also love to write [myself included] and I thought it would be helpful to talk about some things like feedback, passive versus active, what to do once you’ve written a book/story/poem and why things like adverbs drive me insane.   Today I’m going to talk about feedback. Most people who write have probably already experienced giving and receiving feedback, and if you haven’t, it’s one of those things you’re likely to come across. Feedback can be wonderfully helpful, and I can guarantee that every book on the shelf…